The landscapeing service

The landscape is the format of the site, which is divided into two parts: hardscape and softscape. It is a vital factor in beautifying your unit, and if you entrust this service to a skilled group of engineers, it will be your most pleasant and attractive house ever!

Attic has a skilled team of landscape designers, who help you settle the land, walkers and refrigerators, swimming pools, electricity, and irrigation systems through their great designs.

What are the landscape steps offered by Atik?

  1. First, we do cadastral surveys, identifying the dimensions of the ground and other services.
  2. The landscape is designed by specialized engineers, and they do so through autocad and Photoshop.
  3. Display the designs to customers, and after they approve the design, the engineer begins to sign the drawings.
  4. We start with hardscape work, and then we do softscape work through palm and tree planting.

What are the advantages of the landscape designs by Attic?

  • Simplicity

We create simple gardens for the house, using only a few plants to keep the garden as simple as possible.


Atic’s engineers create one-of-a-kind landscape designs in which all features and contents are proportionate.


We design around a single concept, with the goal of presenting the house’s garden as a single design unit.

Would You Like Us To Make Custom Designs For You?

Attic has a skilled team of professional engineers who are ready to help you design and implement your dream unit, contact us immediately!

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 Our most important features

Excellence in design

With Atik, you will receive modern
decorations to suit all your needs,
under the supervision of an expert group of decorators.


lowest cost

We give you our services in high
quality and we give you the best
price, whether for offices,
companies or villas.


We’re right on schedule

At Attic, We’re right on schedule.
because our top priorities and
objectives are to satisfy all our
customers, contact us!